Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Logo!!!

     My project for this weekend was to update/create a new logo for myself. I've been sketching this idea out on napkins, bills, post-it notes, and any other scrap piece of paper for awhile now. This weekend I finally decided to work through the design, and resolve the issues I had with it. After a lot of work, and many revisions that all started looking the same, I finally ended up with something that I liked.
     The foundation of this logo is essentially an abstract combination of the letters that spell out my first name, R-A-Y. The "R" is on the left side, the "A" is on the right, and the Y is at the bottom. It's not meant to be obvious so don't feel bad if you can't see it. I'm not set on colors yet, but I'm leaning towards a black and orange color palette. These colors would symbolize my birthday, which just so happens to be on Halloween. Plus I like the idea of a bright orange grabbing someone's attention. I also like that the design is pointing up. It sort of makes me feel like things are heading in the right direction.

     I'm planning on digitizing this logo for embroidery later this week, and hopefully I can get it sewn on a beanie sooner rather than later. Since I no longer have immediate access to an embroidery machine it may take some time.
     Overall, I'm happy with my new logo, and I'm looking forward to leaving my mark. 

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